Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Breathing exercise – abdominal breathing-pranayama

Pranayama – rhythmic control of breath.

Due to a number of causes (tension, poor posture, restrictive clothing, etc.,) abdominal breathing is often neglected. However, it is the most natural and efficient way to breathe and once you can incorporate the same into your daily life, you will be physically and mentally healthier, calmer and more balanced. Here’s how you practice abdominal breathing.

Lie in shavasana, close your eyes, relax your entire body, starting with your feet all the way to the top of your head. Place your right hand just above your navel and your left hand at the centre of your chest. Observe your natural, spontaneous breath for a minute. Sense the energy and breathe being drawn through your navel. Relax your abdominal muscles, don’t expand the chest or ribcage and don’t move your shoulders.

Observe the abdomen expanding and contracting, your right hand will move up during inhalation and down during exhalation.

Continue to breathe this way and while inhaling, expand and the abdomen as much as you can. While exhaling, move your abdomen downwards until the navel is compressed towards the spine. Breathe this way for a few minutes, then relax and start the same process again. Do this for a few minutes and then bring your awareness back to the physical body and slowly open your eyes.

This simple practice of pranayama everyday has a multitude of good effects with regard to your health; it reduces stress and ensures a healthy vascular system that gives us the ability to breathe free.

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